Thursday, February 21, 2013

First Quarter Review
During the first grading period I have spent the majority of my time focused on studying for the AP Exam by practicing multiple choice questions and essays outside of class. I have also achieved some success in my SMART goal by researching more about neurology and now I have a better understanding. I haven't really made any progress with my senior project because my group hasn't decided what we are going to do for our senior project. I think the reason why we haven't started is because my group rather focus on studying for the AP Exam and worrying about the senior project later. My goals for next semester is come to a final decision with my group about what we are going to do for our senior project and how we can make it have value to us and to the course as a whole. For the next grading period I would like Dr. Preston to give us more AP multiple choice questions to help us prepare for the AP Exam because I felt like the first grading period was just a repeat of first semester.

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