Monday, November 5, 2012

Vocab List #11

Affinity- relationship by marriage
My parents' relationship is an affinity.
Bilious- of or indicative of a peevish ill nature disposition
The sex toy made the students believe their teacher was bilious.
Cognate- of the same nature
Marvel and DC Universe are cognates because they both consist of superheroes.
Corollary- A proposition inferred immediately from a proved proposition with little or no additional proof
The judge prosecuted the man because he was proven guilty through a fingerprint corollary.
Cul-de-sac - a pouch
Only men wear cul-de-sacs.
Derring-do- a daring action
Everyone thinks jumping off a cliff is a derring-do.
Divination- The art or practice that seeks to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge due to the interpretation of omens
A psychic is a master in divination.
Elixir- A substance capable of prolonging life indefinitely
I wish I had an elixir so I can extend my life expectancy.
Folderol- a useless accessory
Some men believe a necklace is a folderol.
Gamut- an entire range or series
The Earth's distance from Mars is a gamut.
Hoi polloi- the general populace
Anyone that lives the United States is considered part of the hoi polloi.
Ineffable- incapable of being expressed in words
After his mom died his emotions were ineffable.
Lucubration- to study by night
Many college students lucubrate because of their busy schedules.
pneumonic- intended to assist memory
I have many pneumonics to help me memorize important things.
Obloquy- abusive language
Rapists use obloquy.
Parameter- an independent variable used to express the coordinates of variable point and functions of them
I use parameters when I am doing my math homework.
Pundit- a learned man
Anyone who graduated college should be considered a pundit.
Risible- provoking laughter
The joke was risible because it was hilarious.
Symptomatic- having the characteristics of a certain disease but arising of a different cause
The disease the man had symptomatic cancer.
Volte-face- a reversal in policy
After Obama was elected president he had many volte-faces.

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