Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Brave New World Essay(Draft)

John, the Savage, is the character in the novel, Brave New World, which is alienated from society because of his values and beliefs. John believes in freedom and choice while, the society he lives in rejects values like these because the society has different moral values and assumptions for its citizens.
            The society in Brave New World has moral values that differ greatly from John which leads to his alienation. The moral values that society find imperative and essential to society are promiscuity, respect of the hierarchy, hatred of sexual reproduction, and happiness through soma. John is alienated from society because he believes that the society that now exists is not the society that his predecessors believed was correct and righteous. John also believes that people need to experience sadness and mourning to truly be happy and that soma doesn’t result in true happiness because it is a drug which causes the citizens of society to stay in subjugation. When, John is encountered by Lenina and she tells him that they should engage in sexual intercourse; he realizes that she is a whore which angers him because the love promised to him by Shakespeare was a lie, which frustrates him.
            The society’s assumptions in Brave New World are nowhere similar to John’s which leads to his alienation. The society’s assumptions of its citizens are it to follow the law, avoid reproduction, no relationships other than sexual ones, and to never question the class you belong to. John doesn’t agree with these assumptions which explain his constant criticism of the society’s culture. The Director is disgusted when he realizes he is John’s father which angers John because the Director leaves after he discovers this, leaving his mother in depression. John and the society’s assumptions of its citizens are most different in their view of how people should be governed.
            John believes in freedom and choice while, the society he lives in rejects values like these because the society has different moral values and assumptions for its citizens. John is pushed into alienation because he believes that the society in the book is inaccurate in their moral values which conflict with real-world values. John is also pushed into alienation because society’s assumptions of its citizens do not contain the best interest of its citizens but it contains the easiest way to control and subjugate its citizens. John, the Savage, is alienated from the rest of society from the beginning which is why when John dies at the end of the novel, the reader is not surprised when he commits suicide after having intercourse with Lenina and breaking one of his own laws.

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